Coffee: Why People Drink and What They Drink

Most people drink coffee in the morning with breakfast or instead of breakfast at home. Some serve coffee after meals, preferably with cake or other desserts. Drinking coffee has now become a favourite pastime for many people, due to the rise of coffeehouses or cafes in Perth. These establishments serve coffees made from locally roasted coffee beans Perth.


Why do People Drink Coffee?

Most people drink coffee to enjoy the stimulating effects of caffeine. Caffeine, however, is not the only purpose people drink coffee. Here are some of the reasons drinking coffee is so popular.

– The distinct aroma of coffee is what constantly pulls you to it. Even non-coffee drinkers cannot resist the highly addictive smell of coffee. You may even feel relaxed once its aroma spreads through the air around you.

– The body of the coffee is what keeps you coming back for more. Only one sip of coffee turns some people hooked, because they like the way it tastes in their mouths. They love the way the water, oils, and other substances extracted from the coffee beans, ‘feel” inside their mouths.

– Most coffee drinkers can also be hooked on coffee, because of its dryness. You feel this dryness on the edge of the tongue and on the back of the palate. This is what gives coffee life, as the coffee would taste flat without it.

– Many non-coffee drinkers think that coffee tastes bitter. This is a common misconception, however, as coffee bitterness come from just one flavour of coffee. Coffee flavour varies, and may even be silky, fragrant, or intense. Coffee aroma, body, and acidity can also affect the taste of coffee.


Coffee Flavours

You may choose from different coffee flavours, such as:

– Fragrant – All coffees have aromas, but each coffee blend has their unique smell. You can also taste some coffees through their aroma alone.

– Silky or delicate – Coffees may have a silky or delicate flavour if all of the coffee elements combine to leave a soft, rounded taste in your mouth.

– Intense or strong – Coffees that have rich and dark tastes are intense or strong in flavour. Intense coffees are full-bodied and have an in-depth taste.

– Fruity – Fruity coffees taste slightly sweet, refreshing, and lively. They usually have traces of citrus fruits or berries.

– Nutty – Nutty coffees have the clean, fresh taste of newly shelled nuts, and have well-rounded textures. Most of these coffees can have hints of almond or walnut.


Coffee Types

Cafes sell different types of coffee that baristas or coffee servers commonly prepare. Here are some of those:

– Espresso – is a strong black type of coffee. Baristas make espressos by forcing steam through ground coffee beans.

– Americano – is a variation of espresso diluted with hot water. Baristas serve this by adding hot water to espresso. This has a similar strength to regular drip coffee, but has a different taste.

– Cafe Latte – is another variation of espresso, served with a topping of frothed steamed milk.

The majority of people who drink coffee frequent cafes that serve different types and flavours of coffee. Visit one of these cafes, or search online for coffee websites, like, to find out more about coffee.